Monthly Training

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Monthly Training

Post by Fenris »

Every month there will be an opportunity to send a player away to be trained. There will be a form each month that explains the details for that month's training plus the deadline to sign up. There is a charge.

Here is an example of the training form:

Venue: Spain Cosmetic
Position Exclusions: GK Goalkeepers cannot be submitted
Rating Cap: 27 No player over 27 can be trained
Age Cap: 21 No player over 21 can be trained
Ab Range: 1500-1750 Potential abs that could be earned
Potential: 1500- 30%, 1550 - 20%, 1600 - 15%, 1650 - 15%, 1700 - 10%, 1750 - 10% Potential of earning each level of abs. In practice this is done through random number generator, each pot has a number and clubs will have a number drawn.
Training Speciality: Sh Strikers have a chance of earning extra abs
Speciality Abs: 150 Players that meet the speciality above have a 50% of earning these extra abs
Injury Chance: 1 in 6 There is a 1 in 6 chance your player will get injured. If they get injured they only earn 50% of their potential abs
Cost: £2,000,000 credits Cost of training, in either credits or club funds.
Form to submit:

Code: Select all

[b]Position to train:[/b]

You submit your player, ensuring they meet the criteria. If they are exempt you will still be charged but the player will not be trained. You can train any position whether it is primary or secondary position.

There will also be a deadline given and a date the player will return. They will not be available for selection during the period they are away.
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Re: Monthly Training

Post by Fenris »

FYI This will be returning for next season.
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